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6 steps to follow for user-friendly website localization services

A website is a virtual marketplace that showcases different products for different companies. A medical website is particularly something that requires a lot more effort and hard work to display the products to the patients and customers. Website localization has to be carried out this way so that the patients don’t experience problems with the websites and have a friendly experience. The localization deals with the modification of the website according to accessibility, usability, and culturally suitable audience. As we all know that most of the internet audiences are non-native English speakers. They prefer to buy and purchase from a place that offers their favorite products in their native language.

The internet has revolutionized the way people access and interact with information, including medical information. Medical websites play an essential role in providing patients and healthcare professionals with up-to-date information on health conditions, treatments, and medical technologies. Therefore, medical website localization has become necessary with the rise of globalization. Medical websites need strong localization solutions to meet the needs of users in different regions of the world. Localization involves adapting content, design, and functionality to suit the local language, culture, and regulatory requirements. Maximizing user experience in medical website localization is crucial to ensure that users can access and use medical information efficiently and effectively.

Following the way a medical website translation services can be implemented in the best way to ensure accuracy and to maximize the user experience. It is important to take care of these factors to ensure customer returns to the website.

User-centered Design

This is something that revolves around the needs of the user. User-centered design is an approach to designing products and services that relate to the needs and goals of users. People from different regions have different priorities and interests. An interface that focuses on users’ priorities is essential in medical website localization because it ensures that the website is easy to use and navigate for users from multiple regions and cultures. The design of the website should be intuitive, with clear and concise information that is easy to comprehend. The website’s layout and functionality should be according to the local context. Surfers and users from some regions prefer a minimalist design with fewer visual elements, while others prefer a more vibrant and colorful design.


This is of extreme importance in the medical industry. Time is a crucial factor in the medical background. In case of emergencies availability and accessibility of the right medical services can decide the fate of a patient. Therefore, accessibility is a critical factor in medical and pharmaceutical translation and localization. Websites should have the flexibility of adjusting and accommodating users with disabilities, such as visual or hearing impairments. This includes using alternative text for images and providing audio descriptions for videos. Moreover, it should also ensure that the patients can navigate the website using a keyboard. Accessibility also extends to users who may have limited access to the internet or slower connection speeds which are two common problems. 

Language and terminology

Language and terminology are also significant elements in medical website localization. Websites require translation into the local language before the process of localization. It is inevitable to make it understandable for the people. The translation should be accurate and culturally appropriate. This means that the translation should use the appropriate medical terminology and should take into account any cultural differences in medical practices and beliefs. The use of medical jargon should be simplified. Additionally, they should use simple language for complex medical concepts. A glossary of medical terms should also be worked on to help users understand the terminology used and to enhance the user experience.


Website localization is more about navigation as compared to other components. A clear and intuitive menu should be there for the convenience of users. Users should be able to find the information they are looking for quickly and easily. The website should be sorted and organized and not cluttered. Moreover, navigation should be consistent across different pages and should follow a logical hierarchy. Medical and pharmaceutical translation services are, however, evident to explain all this content on the website in multiple languages. They should also provide links to related content to help users find additional information. All these details are extremely vital for a user-friendly navigation experience.

Better visual design

Another important aspect of UX design is visual design. A professional and consistent visual design that reflects the organization’s brand and values should be part of the website. The website’s color scheme, user interface, and graphics should be adapted to suit and preferences of the local culture. There are particular colors that people consider lucky in one culture. These could have different connotations in other cultures. The experts should also check the use of images and graphics for adaptation to reflect the local context, such as using images of local landmarks or cultural icons.

Compliance with regulations

Medical websites must comply with local regulations regarding the use of medical information. This includes regulations regarding data privacy and the protection of personal information. Medical companies also have to hire translation agencies for regulatory translation in the intended market. Websites should contain regulations regarding the promotion of medical products and services to avoid legal troubles. Moreover, there are different regulatory bodies in different regions and they don’t allow businesses without complying with their regulations.


The localization of a medical website is a challenging and hectic task. People using these services often get stuck with different technical glitches. It is important that medical companies consider particular factors to ensure that medical website localization doesn’t go wrong. Moreover, this is also significant to ensure that users and patients can have the experience of a lifetime using medical websites. 

Posted in Health