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How to disconnect Solar Panel cable

Solar energy is one of the fastest-growing sources of electrical energy today, and the solar panel system is the best way to convert such energy. You can purchase solar panels in different quantities, but you may get a low or excess energy supply. If you own a few already and the yield of solar panels is disappointing, it might be because you have the wrong number of panels. 

Because of this, knowing the exact number and size of solar panels suitable for your house is crucial. This article will guide you in calculating the number of solar panels your home or business needs. We will also point you to the best place to get any solar energy products that are quality and reasonably priced.

Factors to consider when choosing Solar Panels for your house

You must consider several things before selecting the type, size, and ideal number of solar panels needed for your house. You will get the best yield from solar energy if you keep the following considerations in mind before choosing solar panels;

Your energy needs

Firstly, you must assess your average monthly and annual energy usage in kilowatt-hours (kWh). You will have an overall idea of how much electricity your house consumes. With this information, you can determine how much solar power you need to generate to cater to your energy needs.

Roof space, Orientation, and Strength

Consider the area of the roof and the direction in which it points. Generally, solar panels facing North or South get the most sunlight; therefore, you may need a lesser quantity if your roof faces any of these directions.

Also, the strength of your roof can determine a suitable solar panel. Weak roofs may require reconstruction to withstand the weight of the solar panels. Also, you can install a solar panel on a flat roof without ballast to ensure the roof can support the load.

The Panel’s Maximum Output Current

The output current of solar panels can vary based on factors like panel size, efficiency, technology, and the amount of sunlight they receive. However, all solar panels have a specific maximum output current under ideal conditions.

For instance, we have solar panels 30mA and 300mA, which have a max current output of 30 milliamperes and 300 milliamperes, respectively. The excess energy gotten by these panels is exported elsewhere, and it becomes a problem when your solar panels are not exporting excess energy.

Solar irradiance

This is the amount of solar energy received per square meter in a specific location. This value varies based on geographical location, weather conditions, and season. You may require fewer solar panels if you live in an area with higher solar irradiance.

Other factors for consideration include budget, net metering, energy storage, and the panel’s warranty and maintenance. By carefully considering these factors, you can make an informed decision on the right type, size, and number of solar panels for your household.

How to calculate the number of panels required for your home

There are formulas that you can use to calculate the number of solar panels you need for your house. Generally, you can calculate the number of solar panels suitable for your home by dividing the total energy required by the energy generated per panel per day. 

However, this calculation may not be correct in real-world situations. I recommend that you contact a professional panel installer to conduct an analysis of your house and provide an accurate estimate based on his analysis. You can also reach out to us at Solar Fusion to get advice on the ideal number of panels required for your home.


Suppose the yield of your solar panel is disappointing, and you want to know the best approach to counter this defect. In that case, you can contact us at Solar Fusion to get the right advice on what to do. We also have several solar products that you can check out!

Posted in Technology

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